Friday, August 12, 2011

A Response to Teresa Giudice's Most Recent Load of Bull

If you haven't had the time to read Teresas newest blog August 9 2011, you can read it here at
Teresa's 8/9/2011 Blog

The  blog was so full of her lies and consistent hypocrisy that I couldn't respond in just a typical comment.  Also as anyone knows who posts on Bravo, the editors edit blogs as well as decide which type of blog comments they are going to allow to post based on what they want that character to appear as for the season.  So for that reason my opinions are here.  

I actually had to restart this from the beginning because I knew at 5 pages there was going to be no way I could remember every passive aggressive Jab you made at Melissa during your blog - or Kathy for that matter. Do you know what passive aggressive is Teresa? You should look it up, it is unbecoming and some consider it dysfunctional. I guess you aren't passive aggressive to their faces all the time, mostly you are a straight up B to their faces. Then you make the passive aggressive jabs in your blogs on in your interviews and expect that we fans are too stupid to notice. That's personally insulting.

So to the beginning:
"What you see with me is what you get. I'm a good person with a heart for God who puts family first, but I'm also a fiery Italian girl that will not sit by quietly if you attack my family or my friends. Love me or hate me, this is who I am."

I'm curious - did you deliberately wait this long into the season to copy what Melissa said in one of her blogs? Hint: If you need to constantly TELL people that you are a good person, then you're clearly not a good enough person for them to notice on their own. So far Teresa, I'm not noticing, so I sure am thankful you keep telling me.

Second and Third paragraph - you continue being a complete hypocrite since you know full well that you weren't writing cookbooks before the housewives and since you don't even know what Cumin is we can all assume you aren't a professionally schooled chef. This is also the lead in to your first passive aggressive jab at Melissa about her singing.

The entire 3rd paragraph you may as well have just addressed Melissa specifically since we all know full well that is exactly who you are talking about, especially since it's the lead it to your jabs.

2nd page 3rd paragraph - Oh I think you would have been more than happy if Caroline and Jaqueline would have been willing to trash Melissa and Kathy along with you. But they didn't and that certainly hasn't stopped you. You seemed to continue on as if you needed to be the Trash Melissa and Kathy team all by yourself. Kudos.

3rd page 1st paragraph - Here your real passive aggressive jabs start to prominently appear. You talk about the fashion show - now since you and Melissa have lived in the same communities for some years now I have to assume that you aren't the only one on the planet who shops at Posche. Am I wrong or just not as stupid as you think? So is it reasonable to assume that the owner of said shop may have actually asked another TV personality to be present in her fashion show? Maybe it's actually Kim D who is trying to promote herself there? Smartly so, go her. However if Melissa were "trying to be a model" by participating than you yourself are guilty of the same. Additionally she did a far better job of it than you did so if that is the case I suggest you retire as quickly as possible.

Comparing wanting to sing to wanting to be an Astronaut hardly denotes response but it becomes clear how far you will stretch things to insult Melissa.

4th page 1st paragraph - "I did support her and do support her through the rest of her journey." Gosh - is it just me or does this all sound "unsupportive"? Heck, maybe I'm just stupid again. !OR! you are swimming like a swan while quacking like a duck.

4th page 2nd paragraph: It's too bad that this paragraph is only a sentence long because it's the only time in the whole blog that I think you are real sincere and likable. Thank you for your honesty. It certainly IS understandable that with 4 kids you may have been in a aggravated mood that day. As a mother of 3 I can absolutely understand and appreciate.

4th Page 3rd paragraph - /shakes head. Most of what you say here is absolutely false and actually a defamation of character towards Melissa. Do you remember we actually saw this footage? Melissa has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that she wants nothing more than for those children to have a relationship. She has been VISIBLY shaken up over it not happening. "All I could do was wait until Melissa was ready to release Antonia back to her cousins again." Shame shame on you Teresa! I honestly believe you CAN be better than this. At the very least you could acknowledge that I am not so stupid as to believe this when I have seen the opposite. Do you honestly think all of the fans are complete idiots?

5th page 1st paragraph: this is where I actually realized that I was going to have to write a blog to respond to your blog - just a comment would not do. I can't believe how you outright lie right here and I can't believe you think that I am so stupid that I wouldn't realize that you say this the week immediately following Melissas blog explaining how she DOES NOT have a live in Nanny. This epitomises what Melissa has been saying about how you say underhanded mean things to and about her all the time. What a low blow. Then to follow it up with that last sentence as if because you say that we all will be too stupid to realize you just spent an entire paragraph doing just that PASSIVE AGGRESSIVELY.

6th page 2nd paragraph: Only 2 things to point out here: Maybe you do know the meaning of "passive aggressive" after all? OR maybe the person writing your blog does (which many of us have suspected for some time) because that person also knows the proper usage of the word "whom". Which I would bet my house you don't.

Page 8 Paragraph 3: Man it's hard to keep going with this. It's just jab after jab after jab. If it's not your family it's your good friend Caroline. Speaking of which, when will she get tired of the way you talk about her? Your use of the word "whom" again at the top of the page is another give away. (Note to author of Teresas blog (not Teresa) try to not use such clear give aways.) Anyway on to this particular paragraph - Kathy has not spent this show bashing you. She has spent it trying to show you love in the face of great animosity. In the same way it's understandable that you can have a bad day with 4 children, it's also understandable that even a saint can only take so much.

Page 10 1st paragraph: Thank you Teresa for letting us all know about a family in need.
ps if Bravo doesn't post this don't worry I will post it up on facebook pages and wherever else to make sure you are able to view teresa/.